Get our pro services provide you many types of intellectual and pro services are avialable are listed in this page.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires : William A. Ward

Result Management Software offers Result Management Software (RMG) in low price. RMG saves your time & money.RMG generates gradesheet, Grade-ledger, Mark-ledger-ResultSheet of any year any term .

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Online Markslip

Online Markslip The facilities of Online Markslip is very easy and popular method applying students marks. A layteacher also can fill marks easily in laptop even in mobile in short time.This method is a best way for making reasult without delay.

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Offline Services Number to text & Date Converter

These are offline services. It is prepared in excel.If you are needed convert number to Nepali word working and change En date to Nep or Nep to En date while working in Excel. This services will be helpfull.

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Online Result

Students can get their result by searching online gradesheet. They also save and download in any devices.

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Tearcher BachatKosh

Teacher bachatkosh is a VBA project. It is small project that helps to maintain & manage economics transaction.

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online news Broadcast

Our services going to held online news Broadcast.The news will cast from lauro_media youtube channel.

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  • शमसेर पुलामी निवास